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    About the Artist

    What if we could tune in to an inner Knowing? To cultivate a practice of possibility?

    I started Listen For Joy to find out.

    I’ve been making art since I could carry a brush. Two decades later, while studying in seminary, I began to understand the deep connections between art and spirituality. Now I listen for joy in the sacred curiosity of art-making. For me, creating art is a way to discover what’s deeply true inside, and it’s a practice that fosters resilience, healing, and joy.

    I invite you to practice too! I offer an ever-growing set of art images and inclusive spiritual practice tools to help spark deep, meaningful conversations and reflection.

    My offerings are shaped by my life experience, Quaker contemplative spiritual practice, inner Guidance, community, Nature, beauty, and reverence of all kinds. I hope my work will inspire connection to Spirit’s wide possibilities and transforming love.

    Artist and Spiritual Companion Melanie Weidner studied religion and art as an undergraduate, earned a Master of Divinity degree in Spirituality from the Earlham School of Religion, and received a contemplative listening certificate from the Namasté Center. In 2002-03, she served as the Artist in Residence at the Pendle Hill Quaker Contemplative and Study Center. She’s a member of Spiritual Directors International.

    Melanie lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her wise and wonder-full wife, Hollin, and two sweet cats. 

    Contact Melanie

    Contact Form
    PO Box 70216, Albuquerque NM 87197

    Appreciation for Melanie

    "Melanie is a treasure. Her art has blessed many of my friends, and I have used her art as a focus for some retreats I have facilitated."

    "May you be nourished and keep shining your beautiful light. I admire your courage to make art in a world that undervalues art. We need what you do. Thank you for sharing your gifts."

    "Deep bows of gratitude for your creativity, the care with which you share and the real work and effort for you to get this [Brave Joy Collective] out monthly."

    "Thank you again for the work you do. It has been so healing and inspiring for me."